Environmental Documents

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Planning Division oversees the environmental review of development projects and other major land use decisions that require discretionary approval.  The purpose of the environmental review is to evaluate and disclose the potential impacts of a project, and to limit or avoid those impacts to the extent feasible so that the health and safety of the public are protected.  The environmental documents listed on this webpage are prepared by the Planning Division or a project consultant for the City of Torrance as the Lead Agency, and are provided to both decision makers and the public for their consideration and comment.

For more information, please contact the Planning Division at (310) 618-5990.

Addendum to MND/EIR 

Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

Initial Study / Negative Declaration / Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/ND/MND)

Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment (SCEA)

Technical Studies Prepared for Class 32 Categorical Exemption