City of Torrance
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If you are a defendant, victim or witness to a crime that has occurred outside the city limits of Torrance, please contact the appropriate prosecutorial agency of that city.
If you have a question about a local law, refer to the Torrance Municipal Code. If you have a request for public records, contact the City Clerk.
If you are served with a subpoena to testify in court as a witness in a City of Torrance misdemeanor criminal case and require additional information, please contact our Criminal Prosecution Division at (310) 618-2740.
If you need legal representation in a criminal case and are unable to afford an attorney, contact the Public Defender's Office at (310) 543-4300.
If you want to obtain a restraining order to prevent domestic violence, you may go to the Torrance Courthouse located at 825 Maple Avenue, Torrance, or call (310) 787-3697.
If you are the victim of a crime that occurred in the City of Torrance and want to seek restitution, you should contact the Torrance Police Department to file a report.
Victims’ Bill of Rights Act of 2008 – Marsy’s Law Information
If you have a question about a city service or specific city department, please contact the department directly.
If you have a question or complaint about code compliance or nuisance abatement, contact the Environmental Quality Division at (310) 618-5929.
If you have a question about zoning, contact the Community Development Department at (310) 618-5990.
For information about business licenses, contact the Business License Division at (310) 618-5923.