WMoF Celebrity Series: Snatched from the Headlines - Amelia Earhart
Could not be better timing.
With the History Channel’s documentary airing about Ameila Earhart and the photographs of Amelia, the WMoF has its finger on the pulse: Your WMoF is fortunate to have the August lecture about Ms. Earhart.
Our Celebrity Lecture Series will bring historian Barbara Schultz to Torrance. Schultz is the author of “Endorsed by Earhart: How Amelia Financed Her Flying” (on sale at the event), which tells the story of how Ms. Earhart’s wide range of commercial product endorsements that helped to finance Earhart’s flying adventures. In the 1930s, executives of major commercial companies recognized the value of having their products identified with famous people. This may have been the beginning of product endorsements by celebrities, athletes and spokesman.
Join us to learn about the person behind the public persona: Ameila’s preferences, which determined products she was willing to endorse and those she would not. It’s a fascinating story.
Les Whittlesey’s beautiful Lockheed 12 will be on display.
Museum members are free; non-members are $5. Free parking is available in WMoF Lot. For more info: http://WMoF.Com/UpcomingEvents.pdf. Call (310) 326-9544 or go to www.WMoF.Com.
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